Friday, April 4, 2008


Wow! So what has happened to Naomi Campbell. Lashing out,being arrested for misbehaving in public. Well, an example of being considered one of the most beautiful in the world. Money...lots of it. Magazine covers, famous boyfriends, the world at her feet...except she is nuts. Example of the fact that beauty,extreme and fame does not give you much at all. Does she seem unhappy,angry,so egotistical.....clearly yes. Beauty and perfection does not buy you much in the real sense of what matters. Be your own personal best. create your own happiness. Do not compare yourself to others or what you perceive to be happiness based on what you se in others. Naomi has been violent and impetuous many times. She needs help. We all need help. In a salon,when you look in the mirror..ask your stylist to help you be your own personal best. Your own,not what you husband,in his own mind thinks suits you....but you are still not that happy.


Jim the Realtor said...

Can you comment on the hair styles the celebrities are wearing, and discuss the good, the bad, and the fugly?

Jade said...

O.k, so was that really Dolly Parton on American Idol this week???
Was it not the most boring of all American Idol weeks? Does anyone remember who Wayland Flowers and Madame was? Do a search. Take a look. Perhaps that was really Madame and not Dolly.Is she the next Joan Rivers? When is too much plastic surgery...too much? Now it is limitless or better no limits,just go for it and leave no trace of yourself behind. Was it a Dolly impersonator? Who knows.

Anonymous said...

Hi,Naomi is suffering from a case of being spoiled.Really she is afraid of aging. Tho black women age gracefully she is nevertheless aging. A former super model behaving like a spoiled little bratty child. Rehab is the answer. Isn't that the way it goes for these folks? Frankly, the conduct,immaturity and actions of celebrity is getting rather boring and regular.Is that what they do? Is that what it all ends up like? Just go way and get a job at the IRS. Claire.