Thursday, April 30, 2009

Paris Hilton Not Worried about Swine Flu

The celebrity singer and actress Paris Hilton is not afraid of swine flu.Paris Hilton was asked by a paparazzo yesterday if she’d heard of the swine flu. And The celebrity Paris Hilton shook her head No and continued to play with her Blackberry.

When the photographer explained that:

it’s a new flu that’s killing a lot of people in Mexico and everything.

And asked if the celebrity Paris Hilton was concerned she said:

I don’t eat that.

The swine flu is of course spread from person to person and cannot be caught from eating pork. You wouldn’t expect the celebrity Paris Hilton to know that, since Paris Hilton’s completely oblivious to the biggest story in the news. The celebrity singer and actress Paris Hilton must not even glance at the headlines on the papers.
The swine flu coverage is over the top and it’s unnecessarily scaring the people who do pay attention. From most news in the US, it’s responding well to antivirals and is easily treated if it’s caught soon enough. No one in the US has died from the swine flu. That we know of which can be deadly but usually only causes mild symptoms. The government seems to have a solid plan for containing the flu and making sure there are enough drugs available to treat it.
Stewart quipped that, swine flu ranks last on the list of things that can kill you in Mexico, with Bullet Flu at the top of the list. They expressed a clip from CNN in which they turned the entire country of Canada red on a big map for 6 mild cases of the flu.

Stewart said:

I like a good scare as much as the next guy, but for six mild cases of the flu you’re going to turn four million square miles bright red?… What does a herpes outbreak look like out there? Blood coming out of your eyes?

Maybe the Paris Hilton is right not to be too concerned. And she is doing fine.

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